Structural characteristics and species diversity of low hill evergreen broadleaved forest were analyzed based on field survey data between 400 and 500 meter elevation in Nanling National Nature Reserve. The results showed there were 59 tree species occurred in the suvey plots, belonging to 30 families. The dominant species included Castanopsis eyrei,Cyclobalanopsis hui,Castanopsis fargesii,Castanopsis lamontii,Sloanea sinensis Elaeocarpus sylvestris,Gymnocladus chinensis.etc. Community similarities calculated in terms of abundance ranged from 0-0.61; Richness ranged from 11-23 species;simpson index ranged from 4.97 to 21.85,Shannon-Wiener index ranged from 2.78 to 4.08, Jsp index ranged from 0.15 to 0.66,Jsw index ranged from 0.77 to 0.94 .