The paper studied the population regularity and the spatial distribution pattern of Leptocybe invasa on Eucabyptus. All indices indicated that its distribution was a negative binominal distribution of an aggregated pattern. The population density is higher in limb and lateral branches than in leaves. C, k, I, m* and L is respective 46.2065, 0.2811, 3.5294, 57.9134 and 58.9111 in limb and lateral branches, 7.0401, 0.9949, 1.9996, 9.0574 and 7.0500 in leaves. The average length of gall is 0.32 cm, the average width is 0.22 cm, the average area is 0.0901 cm2. The galls and the holes of eclosion of the pests mainly concentrated on the top of the plants, but the number of galls varies on different sites in different type of Eucabyptus, for Guanglin 9 type the pests mainly damaged the branches, for Large Leaves type the pests mainly damaged the young foliages. From the number of the galls, the pests mainly damaged the petiole of Guanglin 9 type, simultaneity damaged the petiole and the midrib of Large Leaves type. The characteristics of Leptocybe invasa and the damage symptom on Eucabyptus were described, and a natural parasitoid enemy Zeala sp. was found.