摘要: |
油棕 优良品种 栽培技术 引种
基金项目: |
Introduction of prior variety of Elaeis guineensis from Malaysia |
Abstract: |
Elaeis guineensis is a famous oil crop species in the tropics, and is important resources of edible oil as well as reproducible energy. Its prior variety was introduced from Malaysia, and nursery and planting trials were conducted in the Xishuangbanna Perfect. It was shown that the variety could grow well in the tropics of China, and flower in the fourth year after planting with plant height and diameter being 4.22 meter and 0.45 centimeter, respectively. Nursery and cultivation techniques for this species were also presented for development of its large-scale plantations.
Key words:
Elaeis guineensis Jacq., prior variety, cultivation techniques, introduction