The spermatophyte flora consists of 714 species in 383 genera and 103 families.
The sandy coastal flora is explicitly of tropics in nature and as a part of tropical Asian flora, the flora also shows conspicuous characters of marginal tropics .The statistics of distributional patterns of taxa shows that genera and species of tropical distribution take up 93.07% and more than 80% of the sum total of the flora respectively . Further , the genera of pantropics , old world tropics , tropical Asia to tropical Australasia take up 46.52%,16.46% and 12.03% of total genera respectively . The species of tropical Asia distribution account for 35. 52%, the ones of tropical Asia to tropical Australasia 15. 88%, the ones of pantropics 13. 42% etc. The species endemic to Hainan in the sandy coastal region are very poor ,accout for 5.24% of the total species in the area . The relationships between the sandy coastal flora with ones of vicinity are analysed .